"Percayakah kamu kalau kubilang saat ini pukul empat sore di matahari?" Pada 2019, seorang kritikus bernama Andi Lukito menerima naskah KIat Sukses Hancur Lebur. Naskah semacam novel itu karya Anto Labil, S.Fil, salah seorang anggota "tujuh pendekar kere", sebuah persekutuan sastra radikal dekade 90-an yang aktif di Kota Semarang. Naskah yang ditulis dengan gaya bahasa seorang pemabuk yan…
How China's ascendance as an economic superpower will alter the cultural, political, social, and ethnic balance of global power in the twenty-first century, unseating the West and in the process creating a whole new world.rnrnAccording to even the most conservative estimates, China will overtake the United States as the world's largest economy by 2027 and will ascend to the position of world ec…
A Brief History of English Literature provides a lively introductory guide to English literature from Beowulf to the present day. The authors write in their characteristically lucid style which enables the reader to engage fully with the narrative and easily understand the texts in relation to the social, political and cultural contexts in which they were written. A masterpiece of clarity and c…