Through ten case studies by international specialists, this book investigates the circulation and production of scientific knowledge between 1750 until 1945 in the fields of agriculture, astronomy, botany, cartography, medicine, statistics, and zoology. in this period, most of the world was under some form of imperial control, while science emerged as a discrete field of activity. What was t…
The debate between science and religion is never out of the news: emotions run high, fuelled by polemical bestsellers like The God Delusion and, at the other end of the spectrum, high-profile campaigns to teach Intelligent Design in schools. Yet there is much more to the debate than the clash of these extremes. As Thomas Dixon shows in this balanced and thought-provoking introduction, a whole r…
Untuk melindungi kota Batavia daeri serbuan dan penyerangan musuh terutama dari Banten dan Mataram, Belanda membangun sejumlah benteng pertahanan di seputar Batavia, bahkan hingga ke Kepulauan Seribu. Sebagian dari benteng tersebut punah, rata dengan tanah. Buku ini mencoba mengajak pembaca menelusuri tapak jejak benteng-benteng tua bersejarah tersebut, walaupun sebagian sudah tak berjejak. …
Musch has been written about Western capitalism and systems of labour mobilisation in Asia. Yet the fate individual coolie, as the Asian labourer is often called, easily remains evasive and beyond our comprehension. Sources are silent and it is difficult to fit pieces of scattered specific information into large jigsaw puzzles of generalisations about modes of production and labour utilisation.…
Bagian Timur dan Selatan Kalimantan berubah secara dramatis selama akhir abad kesembilan belas dan awal abad kedua puluh. Ekspansi ekonomi mengubah daerah ini. Dari tanah yang tenang pedalaman Kalimantan orang Dayak menjadi pusat dinamika produksi untuk pasar ekspor luar negeri. Awalnya, imigran perintis dari Eropa membuka jalan, namun pada gilirannya secara intensif mendorong datangnya populas…
Buku ini merupakan versi bahasa Indonesia dari laporan First Conference on Indonesia's Modern Economic History (1815-1990)" yang diselenggarakan pada 1-4 Oktober 1991 di Jakarta. Laporan asli konferensi ini telah diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris pada 1993 dengan judul 'New Challenges in the Modern Economic History of Indonesia'.rnrn"
The southeastern part of Kalimantan changed dramatically during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Economic expansion transformed this region from the tranquil homeland of the Dayaks of interior Borneo into a dynamic centre of production for foreign export markets. At first, immigrant pioneers fro Europe led the way, but soon the incentive to change came to rest with the local p…
This collection of essays provides insights into the complex process of economic decolonization in Indonesia from a variety of perspectives. Emancipation from Dutch colonialism in the economic sphere is linked to unique features of the new nation-state as it emerged in independent Indonesia. This included a key role in business for the military. Another key part was played by indigenous Indones…
The Kian Wie is an extraordinary personality--leading economist doubling as economic historian, civil servant with an outstanding academic output, committed to furthering knowledge in Indonesia whilst operating on an international stage, of ethnic Chinese origin while representing the best of Indonesian national character.rnrnThis book is a tribute to Thee Kian Wie's achievements on a professio…